Gin Gin Servicing: Gin Gin, North Burnett and Surrounds
At LPS Gin Gin we provide the following services:
- Support in the community – Group
- Support in the community – Individual
- Support in your home
- Personal Care
- Respite services
- Centre Based supports – Group
- Centre Based Supports – Individual
- Support to attend movies, concerts etc
- Capacity Building supports including cooking, exercise, gym
- Support to attend appointments
In addition to the above, we also offer the following activities:
- Art Group
- Beauty days at Centre
- Cooking at home and in the centre
- Craft Group in centre
- Fishing
- Gym
- Land Care
- Pool activities
- Shopping /planning and budgeting
- Social activities as a group – visiting local events / art exhibitions
- Sewing
- Tai Chi
- Personal care in home
Mount Perry
Through our Gin Gin location we also offer an out reach program to the Mount Perry area. The following activities are provided there:
- Carpet Bowls
- Line Dancing
- Exercises in the park
- Crafts
- In home support
Contact Us
Gin Gin
57B Mulgrave Street
Gin Gin QLD 4671
Call Us
1300 221 492
Email Us